As a partner of the CA2RE+ project, ARENA is proud to announce the publication of the proceedings book for the TU Delft CA2RE+ conference, available…

The redesigned Book of Abstracts of our RAPS 2022 Eindhoven Conference | Radical Entanglements: Architectures, Societies, Environments, Politics is now available online! Open access through…

Videos of the first RAPS conference on September 17-18 2021 in Bristol including the keynotes by SUPERFLEX and by ROTOR are now available on the…

The first CA2RE+ book discusses and identifies the long-term development goals and potentials of Design-Driven Doctoral Research. It situates DDDr in an academic context of…

This book is the fruit of a symposium organised by ENSAP Bordeaux in Sabres (Gironde), bringing together two partners: the Parc naturel régional des Landes…

Design Research Series on Method – Session 7 5th ARENA Annual Conference October 24th – 26th 2019 Graz University of Technology, Austria Conference Website open…

Proceedings of the 3rd ARENA Annual Conference, 6th-7th April 2017 at KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, Brussels have been published. See the event…

Villagers, Farmers, Wanderers and Wild Things Ben Stringer (Editor) Rurality Re-imagined is divided into four loosely themed sections: Villagers, Farmers, Wanderers, and Wild Things with…

AJAR is an online Open Access peer-reviewed journal for all kinds of design research and scholarly research within the architectural field, and has been set…

DR_SoM (Design Research Series on Method) Lisbon, Portugal 25 – 26 May 2018 Read the Book of Abstracts! Final Programme as PDF Download Poster session…