CA²RE @ Glasgow 2022-Oct-27-29
Framing and Reframing
Dear CA2RE Friends,
We are happy to announce the 13th CA2RE conference and meeting.
Arguably Design driven research requires a Framing and Reframing of research territories, methodologies, behaviours and thinking more than other fields of research activity.
This demands shifts and changing in the researchers approach, dynamic and agile operations, speculative and experimental thinking, risk taking and states of vulnerability as well as assurance. Aligned with the opportunities and multiple paths design and creative practices offer, design driven research requires its own activities, sensibilities, tactics and forms of dissemination to be true to its nature(s).
The resulting research journeys and trajectories provide experience and testament to the processes involved, the insights gained and the new knowledge with emerges, although equally rigorous and robust, can follow new and other forms, to be shared, interrogated and embraced.
CA2RE Glasgow: Framing and Reframing offers the opportunity to take a deep dive into these continuous threads, multiple standpoints and related perspectives, ambiguities and contradictions through sharing recent research work in progress and research findings.
As a an evolving community for artistic and architectural research itself, The Glasgow School of Art welcomes you to share your perspective, experience and thinking this October.
About CA2RE
Design Driven Research (DDr) comprises various forms of research in architecture, design and the arts, in which design results are implemented as a means of generating and disseminating knowledge. This includes contemporary alternative formulations of the field, like Artistic Research, Research by Design, Practice Driven/Based/Led Research, Creative Practice Research. CA²RE+ develops an experiential research evaluation environment, where it explicates the transformative and innovative power of highly individual strategies in artistic research, the diversity of research traditions and the integrative nature of architectural design research, able to face the contemporary knowledge fragmentation from humanities, social sciences and technology. It explicates the integrative nature of architectural design research, able to face the contemporary knowledge fragmentation from humanities, social sciences and technology. It throws light on the interdisciplinary relevance of convergent thinking, mastering wicked problems, open-ended processes, resilience and risk, as well as orientation to the future, all featured in Design Driven Research (DDr). It unfolds the didactic relevance of DDr for training creative professionals how to use the integrative power of design thinking to master open-ended processes while solving contemporary spatial challenges (sociological, climate-change-related, political).
CA²RE was conceived of as an opportunity to bring together experienced academics, advanced and early-career researchers to understand, scrutinize and improve research quality through an intensive peer review at key research stages.
CA2RE conferences are platforms to develop a collective learning environment through the evaluation of Design Driven Research training; to create evidence of Design Driven Research Learning Environment and Evaluation Materials; to identify the Design Driven Research Strategies, to explicate Design Driven Research evaluation process and ultimately to establish a Design Driven Research Framework.
We wish to contribute to the open and diverse fields that exist in architectural, design and artistic research, to include subjects such as environmental design, sustainable development, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design/ urbanism, music, performing arts, visual arts, product design, social design, interaction design, etc.
At this conference through the theme of Framing and Reframing we would also like to evidence, consolidate and recognise our ideas of design driven research and share our contributions with other research areas, especially in humanities and social sciences.
July 22, 2022 _ Publication of Call for Abstracts
September 7th, 2022 _ Abstract Submission
September 12 2022 _ Notification of Acceptance
October 6 2022 _ Submission 2
Oct 27-29, 2022 _ Conference
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers describing recent research byPhD CANDIDATES AND OTHER RESEARCHERS in the diverse fields of Design Driven Research at any stage of their research to present. An abstract (500 words max) should be submitted for peer review
- Posters describing recent research byPhD CANDIDATES AND OTHER RESEARCHERS in the diverse fields of Design Driven Research at any stage of their research to present. An abstract (200 words max) should be submitted for peer review
Program Committee
- Prof Sally Stewart
- Dr Dave Loder
- Prof Susannah Thompson
Organizing committee
- Prof Sally Stewart
- Dr Dave Loder
- Prof Markus Schwai
Programme and Mode
CA²RE Glasgow is a three day event around a programme of research presentations and invited lectures. The conference is planned as primarily as face to face event, hosted by the Mackintosh School of Architecture, the Glasgow School of Art, with the hybrid option of online presentation and participation.
The conference will be held in The Mackintosh School of Architecture, The Glasgow School of Art
A conference fee of £100 will be applied to all participants and submissions. The fee includes the publication of abstracts and papers.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to CA2REGlasgow@gsa.ac.uk