Researching Beyond Words ENSA Lyon 2023-Nov-30-Dec-01
International conference
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon (amphitheatre)
30 November and 1 December 2023
Investigating architectural research by drawing
La recherche à l’épreuve du dessin en architecture
We are pleased to announce the programme for the international conference Researching beyond words. Investigating architectural research by drawing to be held on November 30th and December 1st 2023 at the amphitheatre of the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon: https://horsdesmots.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/Programme_Chercher_Hors_des_Mots_3.pdf
Registration is compulsory and open until November 13:
This conference invites to focus on what researchers produce beyond words and to examine more specifically the visual representations drawn in research situations. By considering the drawings production processes, the methods and the tools they mobilise, we expect to open up epistemological questions on architectural and on what we could call ‘research by drawing’.
French/English interpreters will simultaneously translate conferences and presentations.
An exhibition associated with the symposium will be held from November 30 to December 21 2023 at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon. It will bring together a selection of outstanding drawings involved in research related to the issues raised by the symposium.
Find out more on the symposium website:
Guest lecturers: Ray Lucas // Penelope Haralambidou
Intervening authors: Myriame Alioualla // Antoine Apruzzese // Kirsty Badenoch // Sebastian Bang Jacob // Victor Cano-Ciborro // Aysegul Cankat // Lucile Cornet Richard // Ying-Lan Dann // Eva Demuynck // Sabine Ehrmann // Judit Ferencz /// Eugénie Floret // Andreea Grigorovschi // Wouter Hilhorst // Marion Howa // Éric Le Coguiec // Christel Marchiaro // Mathieu Mercuria // Claire Miege // Enrico Miglietta // Francois Nowakowski // Claire Petetin // Virginie Pigeon // Fabien Reix // Anne Romme // Saskia Schut // Eline Van Leeuwen // Liselotte Vroman // Emily White
Exhibithing authors: Konstantinos Avramidis // Mandana Bafghinia // Yves Bélorgey // Melike Besik // Mounia Bouali // Pierre Bouilhol // Olivier Bourez // Luis Burriel-Bielza // Matthew Butcher // Florent Clier // Hélène Coussedière // Joris Ephraim // Nikolas Fouré // Alfonso Giancotti // Maylis Leuret // Fiona Lim Tung // Mohammad Moezzi // Chéhrazade Nafa // Cosmin Popan // Ella Piecoup // Marie-Anne Poully // Xiang Ren // Angeliki Sakellariou // Shetty Shonali // Harry Thompson // Bastien Ung
Organizing committee: Julie Cattant // Rovy Pessoa Ferreira // Jennyfer Satiman
Scientific commitee: Manuel Appert // Antoine Bégel // Xavier Bonnaud // Christophe Boyadjian // Philippe Dufieux // Théo Fort-Jacques // Murray Fraser // Jørgen Hauberg // David Marcillon // Flora Pescador // Gabriele Pierluisi // Artur Simões Rozestraten // David Vanderburgh // Chris Younès
Partners: EVS-LAURe // ENSA-Lyon // GERPHAU // ARENA // PhilAU // Métropole de Lyon // Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
Contacts and questions: jennyfer.satiman@lyon.archi.fr ; julie.cattant@lyon.archi.fr ; rovy.pessoa-ferreira@lyon.archi.fr
CFP Researching beyond words
AAC Chercher hors des mots